Twister (boy) arrived on Thursday 16th May and had, so far, the heaviest birth weight of our new cria weighing in at 18.8 lbs. Twister likes hanging out in the corner of the barn for now and has to be persuaded to experience grass under his feet. Once out in the pasture, however, he enjoys hiding behind the long grasses and exploring his space.
Named for his distinctive coloring, which resembles a twisted chocolate and vanilla ice cream cone, Twister is definitely going to stand out in the barn.
Chaps (boy) arrived on the same day as Twister but weighed only 14 lbs at birth. Our only Suri born so far this year, Chaps appeared tiny next to everyone else so we supplimented his feed to ensure he gets off to a good start. Hesitant at first, he took to the bottle, and is now nursing well and has gained weight.
Dam, Chica, is very protective of her little cria and getting a photo of him by himself was a definite challenge. He is certainly being well looked after by his Dam and she keeps him away from the rest of the herd while in the pasture.
Chaps is still our tiniest cria and, after a slow start, is now 14.7 lbs.
Ivory (girl) joined the herd on Saturday and weighed in just behind Twister on birth weight at a nice 18.4 lbs. Only 3 days old, Ivory is enjoying the sunshine in the pasture and fighting sleep while Dam, Ebony, grazes near by. Ebony is also keeping her cria away from the rest of the herd and it's amazing to see the mothering instincts at work.
As more cria arrive, we will continue to post pictures and information on their personalities as they develop.
Feel free to come visit for yourself during our opening hours and Save The Date for our Babypalooza on June 22nd and 23rd.
Details will be posted on our website as the become finalized.
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