Monday, December 3, 2012

I'm Adopted!

I'm adopted, just in time for the holidays, and I'm planning on spending lots of time with my new owner, Mary Marsten.  My name is Gunston and I'm thrilled to receive the special attention that keeps coming my way.  My new owner comes to visit me regularly and, as she brings treats in her pockets, I'm always glad to see her.

I even dressed up so I could be the star in a couple of newspaper adverts that are being published locally in Frederick.  If you missed my debut, ask to see copies when you drop by my farm and Shoppe.

I thought some other readers might be interested in knowing what attracts a person into adopting an Alpaca, and Mary was very kind and willing to answer my questions.

What made you decide to buy an alpaca?

I knew the first time I saw the alpacas that I would want to have one (or more) in my life...their cute faces and gentle demeanor drew me to them right away. I don't knit so really was looking for a pet-quality alpaca with a sweet temperament. It was just a matter of finding the right didn't take long!

What was it about Me that attracted you?

You caught my attention on one of my earlier visits to the farm.  You're the one that comes right up to the gate to greet visitors, is friendly with the right mix of curiosity and caution - I didn't really care what your fiber quality or color was really your personality that I am drawn to. 

                                                       Do you have land or a farm to take me to?

I do have enough land but am not currently set up to house I would need at least two so you wouldn't be alone. Since I'm only 3 miles away from the barn I board you there and come out as often as I can to work with you - halter training and earning your trust.

Do you have long term plans of where I will be staying?

I am currently living in, and restoring, an older home.  When the time is right I will look at what it would take to bring you (and at least one more) to my house -you're happy with your buddies at the barn and it's easy and inexpensive for me so we'll see....

How many alpacas can you see in your future?
I see A LOT of alpacas in my future but don't plan on owning all of them. I know I will adopt at least one more since I plan on taking you for walks outside of the pasture areas.   Having a buddy with you has already proven to be a plus when working with you inside the barn and pasture areas.

                               What do you intend to do with my fiber when I'm shorn?

I will have your fiber processed but will wait until Sugarloaf Alpaca Company opens their spinning mill. I hope to learn more about the process and if all goes well I'll be able to sell the fiber. I'm still learning so much about alpaca ownership and Nancy, Kevin, Delaney, Parker, Carson AND YOU are all getting me trained - you and they are great mentors!


Alpacative said...

I think Mary is walking my dream path! I want an alpaca for Christmas ... or my birthday ... or both!

Your Friends at Sugarloaf Alpaca Co said...

An Alpaca Day is a Happy Day!