Prima Donna Spots Herself for the First Time |
Oh Boy, did we have fun in the shoppe today. Prima Donna (so named because she has beautiful big brown eyes, looks like developing top quality fleece - and she knows it) was our alpaca of choice for our current ad campaign.
What a difference from when Little Bit came into the Shoppe for the first time - must be a Girl Thing. Prima Donna, although skittish at first, completely lost interest in us humans as she spent the first few minutes scoping out the merchandise. Very interested in the teddy bears, she is just a baby afterall, and the sweaters, she gave everything her full attention - until she spotted herself in the mirror!
What a hoot. Immediately taken with the beauty of the alpaca looking back at her, Prima Donna kissed the mirror all over - until we took it away. The purpose of bringing her into the Shoppe was to get some photos next to the Christmas Tree, but Prima Donna had other ideas. Although we had moved the mirror to another part of the Shoppe, next to the Christmas Tree, Prima Donna knew that the mirror should be in it's original location and kept returning to that spot and fussing that she couldn't find it. Of course, the intelligent thing would have been for the humans to move the tree to the mirror - but we only worked that one out after the fact.
Showing her herself in the "new" mirror was not what she wanted at all and she kept returning to the original spot. Just shows how intelligent alpacas can be. She eventually just gave up and, very cooperatively of her, lay down in front of the tree to have her photo taken.
On returning her to her pen, Little Bit met us at the gate and seemed very much put out that he wasn't the center of attention for the day. He even followed me around the pen and let me pet him without catching him first, as if to make sure I knew he was willing to help out. I'm sure they will have a lot to talk about as they compare notes about their moment in front of the camera.
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